Federation Francaise De Volleyball
17, rue Georges Clémenceau CHOISY LE ROI - CedexFRANCE
17, rue Georges Clémenceau CHOISY LE ROI - Cedex
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Volleyball in France
In numbers
Year of affiliation: 1973
Active players: 99,773
Licensed men: -
Licensed women: -
Volleyball teams: -
Beach Volleyball teams: -
Top results at the Volleyball European Championship: Men’s European Championship: gold in 2015, silver in 1948, 1987, 2003 and 2009; bronze in 1951 and 1985; Women’s European Championship: 8th place in 2001, 2007 and 2013.
Top results at the Beach Volleyball European Championship: Men’s gold in 1993 with Jean-Philippe Jodard / Christian Penigaud.