The Slovenian Volleyball Federation officially signed their contract in October 2018 to join the CEV School Project "Play Volleyball, Grow with it". One of their first big events, a mini volleyball tournament for girls and boys, hosted more than 1,200 kids in Šempeter, Griže and Braslovče in January 2019. The last school year Slovenia organized at least 3 Youth Summer Festivals, 100 classes, and much more. We are pleased to present the progress in Slovenia so far.

Ana OBLAK"Clubs in Slovenia recognized the CEV School Project as one of the important projects through which they can convince children to join volleyball activities."
Project Manager
The assigned Project Manager is the person responsible for the implementation and coordination of the CEV School Project on a national level.
Administrating the data collected from the activities within the project and communicating the same with the CEV Development Department.