
CEV School Project activities flourishing in Slovenia


Article Mon, Jul 3 2023

Even though the school year has ended, activities run in conjunction with the CEV School Project ‘Play Volleyball – Grow with it’ continue to flourish in Slovenia.

In early June, the first CEV School Beach Volleyball festival scheduled for the summer of 2023 was held in Ljubljana where 65 kids gathered in Šentvid to participate in the so-called Dragon Tournament. The organisers from ŽOK Šentvid once again showed their skills by delivering an event full of excitement, entertainment, and a significant amount of Volleyball.

On the same day, the Volleyball club Sežana opened their doors to the public for the first time, after it was established in late spring. The promotional CEV School Volleyball event named “Welcome, Volleyball” attracted more than 80 kids aged 11 and younger, who had the opportunity to get acquainted with Volleyball, and those who were already familiar with the game took a chance at showing their skills.

On June 10, the biggest capacity building event of 2023 organised by the Slovenian Coaches Society took place in Zreče. The Coaches Academy gathered no less than 178 coaches and teachers working with girls and boys aged 15 and younger. Slovenian Volleyball experts Živa Cof, Rosana Krajnc, Vasja Samec Lipicer, and Gašper Ribič shared their knowledge through the theoretical and practical sessions on the programme.

Activities in June concluded with a Summer Volleyball camp for girls and boys aged 15 and younger organised by the Volleyball Federation of Slovenia. 44 kids from all over Slovenia arrived in Kozje to work on their knowledge of the game, meet new friends, and enjoy their time in the idyllic environment of Park Kozjansko.

Although the 2022/2023 school year in Slovenia finished on June 23, many summer activities will be taking place all over the country in the coming weeks. The Volleyball club Zreče is organising CEV School Volleyball practices in July and August in Loče and Konjice, while TPV Volley Novo mesto will host their second CEV School Beach Volleyball festival in July after last year’s successful premiere. The third and fourth such festivals will be held in Koper and Zreče in August and September, respectively.
